Gym commentary on the book of daniel chapter 12

But at that time your peopleeveryone whose name is found written in the bookwill be delivered. Daniel 12 commentary matthew henry commentary on the. In the early 1800s, many honest and godly bible students around the world, independent of one another, begin to unravel the correct meaning of the book of daniel. Now at that time michael, the great prince who stands guard over the sons of your people, will arise. Practically all of the critics limit the application to the last days of antiochus, supposing that daniel was totally mistaken about the resurrection which he mentioned, there being no resurrection whatever that marked the closing of the antiochus persecution.

That is because it appears the first four verses still cover the interfacing of the angel and daniel. Multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake. What is the significance of 1,335 days mentioned in daniel. Book of daniel chapter 12 bible study shine like the stars. The end times at that time michael, the great prince who protects your people, will arise. Michael stands to watch over the children of israel from the very beginning of the tribulation. Then he said to me, do not fear, daniel, for from the first day that you set your heart to understand, and to humble yourself before your god, your words were heard. Daniel is a book talking about the end times for israel, as revelation is also, there will be a 7 year false peace treaty for israel i believe soon, the first 3 12 israel will go back to doing all they had done before, as they have everything they need, then the antichrist will take it away from them and go into the temple and proclaim he is.

Daniel 12 commentary matthew henry commentary on the whole. The 1260 days of verse seven and the 1290 and 35 days of verse eleven. Michael, the great prince who stands up for israel chapter outline top. And cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days this is seventyfive days more than what is included in the three years and a half, or the time, times, and a half in the seventh verse.

Nebuchadnezzar the king, to all peoples, nations and languages that dwell in all the earth. Through daniel s visions and experiences as an exile in babylon, the book of daniel gives us a clearer understanding of history than any other part of the bible. However, if chapters 16 and 712 appear, at first glance, to be very different stories, they are, in fact, one storythe story of gods providential care. Most of us have read daniels book and know that this king repeatedly got lost in the cares of life and again will turn from god. Dec 31, 2015 daniel chapter 12 the time of the end pastor tom luitwieler 12 272015. Daniel 12 bible commentary wesleys explanatory notes.

Daniel 12 commentary commentary critical and explanatory. Commentary on daniel chapters 1 6 matthew janzen serve yahweh in all circumstances daniel pt. While the book of daniel does not mention antiochus iv by name, chapter 11, verses 2145 reads like a chronicle of his reign. This one gave me such detail about the future of my people that in your time scholars who dont believe in predictive prophecy have tried to make the claim that i didnt really write my story at all. Daniel 11 bible commentary john darbys synopsis christianity. Daniel 12 commentary john gills exposition on the whole. Study daniel 11 using john darbys synopsis to better understand scripture. The passage states that from the time that the daily sacrifice is taken away, and the abomination of desolation is set up, there shall be one thousand two hundred and ninety days. And there shall be a time of trouble, such as never has been since there was a nation till that time. Chapters i6 are narratives in which daniel is spoken of in the third person, while ch. And there will be a time of distress such as never occurred since there was a nation until that time. Spiritual wisdom isnt manifested in mental gymnastics, but in a life lived faithfully for god. Daniel 12 commentary commentary critical and explanatory on.

As these prophesied events begin to unfold, gods people need to remember that daniel was also told. Two groups will arise from death constituting the many, meaning all as in john. Concise presentation notes by charles dailey black underlined words match words in the bible text. After the prediction of the troubles of the jews under antiochus, prefiguring the troubles of the christian church under the antichristian power, we have here, i. It is amazing what you learn when you actually study complete books of the bible. Read all of daniel 12 verse 1 1 and at that time shall michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people. And there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation, even to that time. There is little in history, secular or sacred, to corroborate this chapter. He ends up taking back the cream of the crop, the most elite and noble israelites, to serve at his court in babylon. Chapters 1012 tell of daniels vision of conflict between nations and heavenly. All that is left is tell you the about the tribulation, jesus second coming, the antichrist and explain what it has to do with our life today.

Ken van zyl i am a retired south african educationist living in brazil. This is lesson 2 on daniel 11and all of chapter 12. Blessed is he who waits, and comes to the one thousand three hundred and thirtyfive days. Daniel is a book talking about the end times for israel, as revelation is also, there will be a 7 year false peace treaty for israel i believe soon, the first 312 israel will go back to doing all they had done before, as they have everything they need, then the antichrist will take it. Daniel acknowledged the wisdom and power of god and his rule over the uni. Comforts, and very precious ones, prescribed as cordials for the support of gods people in those times of trouble. In chapter four nebuchadnezzar has a second dream which daniel interprets. A commentary on the book of daniel daniel chapter twelve. In the third year of cyrus king of persia a message was revealed to daniel, whose name was called belteshazzar. Michael signifies, who is like god, and his name, with the title of the great prince, points out the divine saviour. There will be a time of distress such as has not happened from the beginning of nations until then. This final chapter of daniel is interpreted in various ways by different schools of scholars.

David guzik commentary on daniel 12 describes a time of future trouble destined for israel, and the resolution of resurrection. In context with daniel 10, we see the heavenly hosts of god intervening on the behalf of the saints, in this case israel. Chapter 20 you will encounter some difficulty in following the line of argument in this section unless you are acquainted with the prophecies of the seventy weeks in daniel nine, the 2300 day prophecy in daniel eight, the little horn of daniel seven, and jesus prophecy of the destruction of the temple in matt. Daniel 12 new international version niv the end times. It takes the believer to the highwater mark of christian hopethe assurance of the resurrection of the dead. Daniel 12, new international version niv the bible app. But at that time your peopleeveryone whose name is found written in the book will be delivered. Let us listen and learn, and gain hope and comfort. Sep 16, 2012 the devilish puppet master of the wordfaith movement justin peters selected scriptures duration. An interval elapses, during which their consciences are awakened to repentance and faith in him. In the book of daniel, chapters 10, 11, and 12 are a part of one revelation. Protection and resurrection daniel 12 1 and at that time shall michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people.

Daniel 12 niv the end times at that time bible gateway. Daniel 12, english standard version 2016 esv the bible app. Exalting jesus in daniel christcentered exposition commentary dr. Daniel, chapter 12 king james version christian answers. The end of the tribulation and the coming millennial reign of christ chapter outline top. Daniel 12 is the crowning chapter of this prophecy, as well as its conclusion. Chapter 12 concludes the literary unit of chapters 10 12, which has one unified message. Daniel 12 commentary james burton coffman commentaries. But go thou thy way until the end be see daniel 12.

Chapters 10, 11 and 12 in the book of daniel make up daniels final vision, describing a series of conflicts between the unnamed king of the north and king of the south leading to the time of the end, when israel will be vindicated and the dead raised to shame or glory current scholarship surmises that the book of daniel was written in reaction to the persecution of the jews by the. Recorded at the bible lessons international studio. The big picture chapter 10 prelude as if the dream predicting the messiahs coming wasnt enough, two years later i received another revelation. Daniel 12 commentary james burton coffman commentaries on. This is a description of the great tribulation christ echoes in matthew 24. At that time michael shall stand up, the great prince who stands watch over the sons of your people. The devilish puppet master of the wordfaith movement justin peters selected scriptures duration. The last study focused on the prophecies concerning a coming world leader and a time in history that you probably dont want to be around in. But daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the kings meat, nor with the wine which he drank. The book of daniel belongs to a unique class of writings known as.

However, if chapters 16 and 712 appear, at first glance, to be very different stories, they are, in fact, one storythe story of gods providential care for gods peopletold from two different perspectives. Hosea chapter 1 1 and at that time shall michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people. Chapter 10 is a prelude to the final vision in the book of daniel. The conclusion of the vision of the scriptures of truth.

However, albert barnes in barnes notes on the old testament feels that a break can be made after 12. The book of daniel begins with king nebuchadnezzar, the ruler of babylon, ransacking jerusalem. This vision, found in chapters 11 and 12, will cover the history of the jews from daniels day down until the fall of jerusalem in ad 70. Blessed is he that waiteth he who implicitly depends on god, expecting, as his truth cannot fail, that these predictions shall be accomplished in due time. Daniel does not envisage the universal resurrection as later developed. The last two are found in chapters 9 and 10a 12, and dated to the first year of darius and the third year of cyrus, respectively. Daniel focused on the end of all these judgments, and was wondering when it will end. Book of daniel bible study commentary chapter 12 how to shine like the stars. On the whole, the best explanation of the presence of the two languages is. This chapter begins with an account of a time of exceeding great trouble to the people of god, who are comforted with the consideration of michael the great prince being on their side, and with a promise of deliverance, with the resurrection of the dead, and the glorious state of wise and good men upon that, daniel 12. The book of daniel, bible prophecy, the antichrist, the abomination of desolation, daniel chapter 11, daniel chapter 12, the wrath of god, the prophet daniel, the great tribulation this is an edited recording of a class on daniel chapter 11.

Daniel also makes it clear that god is in control of all human events that have unfolded or will occur in later times. My wife and i are studying daniel, olivet discourse and revelation over the last few years, so i purchased this book and walvoords daniel commentary to help us more thououghly understand. Daniel chapter 12 the time of the end pastor tom luitwieler 12272015. And at that time this time of the end your people shall be delivered, every one who is found written in the book daniel 12.